Friday, May 29, 2009

random photo shooting

these are the kids at my centre...
take a look! xD

the left hand side without spec wan is my "son" Keng Min...xD
he accidentally called me mummy that
he is smart n brilliant...

but bad tempered sometimes...

the other one is Patrick.. chubby n has very fair skin...

hey...what u guys looking at?
the fatty boy who wears red shirt is Lakesh...
he is indian but chinese-educated...

honestly, i dun like him...(bad teacher)
he is super slow n talkative..

naughty kids
the front wan is Ong Melven..
new student..

i actually took some pictures v them...
but quite blur...
because the camera girl shaking her hand everytime..
forgive her...she is just a kid...=)

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